Melanie's Bucket List
- Learn to tap dance
- Learn to belly dance
- Tour Greece
- Dive head first off of a top diving board (gulp!)
- Skinny dip
- Take voice lessons
- Learn the proper way to swim laps...go regularly.
- Learn to scuba (yikes!)
- Go on a photo vacation around the world
- Publish three books (not via Internet)
- Taste a fried grasshopper (why not?)
- Play volleyball in the rain
- Play football (or ultimate) in the mud
- Boogie like crazy without being self conscious at either a dance or dance club (may I find the courage)
- Get good and kissed! :)
- Go to a formal dance with a male counterpart that requires the attire to match.
- Memorize scriptures and story locations in Book of Mormon, Bible and D&C
- Ride in a helicopter (hopefully I don't fall out!!!)
- Participate in a flash mob
- *****sorry, more personal******
- Sell a painting, have a show in an art studio
- Choreograph a dance sequence
- Take boxing (need to buff up my core/, I want to look cool hitting that dangly ball thingee!)
- Run in a field of daisies, barefoot in a sundress.
- Role play "Stranger at the Museum" with spouse. (I need to get me one first)
- Go see Mount Rushmore
- Go see Niagara Falls
- Go to Hawaii
- Take a vacation on a cruise liner
- Ride an ostrich (or try to)
- Eat a rose.
- Try cooked snake.
- Try to feed soup to someone else with a long spoon. (wonder if the story is possible)
- Pet a giraffe (because they are cute)
- *****sorry, another personal - entail having a spouse (and yes appropriate!!)*****
- Do karaoke at least once (why is this something I MUST conquer?)
- Join a women's drumming group
- Learn to speak Spanish (I need to join this secret club)
- Learn an African dance - native
- *****hmmm, didn't realize I had so many*****
- Own and frequently ride a wave runner (yeah!)
- Eat a banana, peel and all
- Learn to ride a unicycle (I just gotta know if I can)
Great choices Mel....:)